Poetry with Xochitl

By clicking on the video below, Workshop Coordinator Xochitl will guide you through a writing exercise using the five senses to make an ode to your favorite comfort food. An ode poem usually honors someone or something.

For this activity all you need is your favorite food or snack, piece of paper, and pencil. Enjoy.

Xochitl-Julisa, Workshop Coordinator

Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo, a first-generation Chicana, is the author of Posada: Offerings of Witness and Refuge (Sundress Publications 2016). A former Steinbeck Fellow, Poets & Writers California Writers Exchange winner and Barbara Deming Memorial Fund grantee, she’s received residencies from Hedgebrook, Ragdale, National Parks Arts Foundation and Poetry Foundation. Her work is published in Acentos Review, CALYX, crazyhorse, and American Poetry Review among others. A dramatization of her poem "Our Lady of the Water Gallons," directed by Jesús Salvador Treviño, can be viewed at latinopia.com. She is a cofounder of Women Who Submit and a member of Macondo Writers’ Workshop.


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