A Gift To Yourself: Writing with Brenzy

In this lesson Workshop Coordinator Brenzy reminds us that listening to your authentic self by reflecting on your experiences, and validating your emotions, needs, and desires is one way to build the skill of compassionate self-awareness—this skill is one of the most rewarding gifts one can give to yourself.

Click on the video below for a brief introduction.

Make an envelope for your letter following this simple tutorial.


Brenzy, Workshop Coordinator

Brenzy is currently a Sociology major at Pasadena City College. At PCC, she served as a mentor through the Puente project, supporting mentees with writing, life skills, and transfer plan workshops. Brenzy also pioneered the Young Curators Program at Self-Help Graphics where she organized exhibitions and coordinated events that included live performance, vendors, and more. Simultaneously, she interned at the Skirball conducting curatorial research, interviewing artists, and doing outreach for their upcoming PST:LA/LA show on muralism. Brenzy then went on to Center Theatre Group where she has done work around community partnerships, recording donor and financial records, and managing auditions. Brenzy served as artworxLA’s Getty Muti-Cultural intern in the summer of 2017. After completing her internship programs, she has stayed involved with the organization, completing zine workshops and special activities with program participants. Brenzy joined artworxLA’s staff in the Fall of 2018.


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Human Object with Vanessa