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Call for Submissions


Share a special opportunity for students to have their work professionally installed at the Autry Museum of the American West! For one week in April, including an exciting opening, the Autry will host its third annual Student Visual Arts exhibition, a program of Autry Classroom Curators. This exhibition celebrates and highlights student-driven research and creativity while providing insight from and access to educators and professionals in the visual arts. This is a juried exhibition, and artworxLA is happy to support your student in the process of creating their submission.

This year, the Autry has a special challenge for student artists—to create works of art that reflect, explain, and define the culture/s of the American West. Your work may represent a unique ethnic identity that exists in the West, like the cultural experience of the Armenian, Korean, or Latino community. You might engage with a broad cultural idea like living the “California dream.” The possibilities are endless. Whatever approach you choose, the Autry looks forward to seeing and sharing your insights. This is the perfect project for students to work on over holiday break, and the museum is already accepting submissions.

Click here for guidelines and more info.