Morley Has Just Signed on for An Evening of Art

We are proud to announce that artist and author Morley will not only donate work to our auction, but will also create a collaborative art activation with guests at An Evening of Art. Blending humor, hope and his unique perspective on life, Morley is a Los Angeles-based street artist that specializes in bold, typographic posters which he wheatpastes within the urban landscape. His work has been featured in The LA Times, The Huffington Post, Fast Company, LA Magazine and on television networks such as ABC, CBS, Netflix, Comedy Central and Showtime.

Auction bidding begins online on April 25th and will culminate on May 25th at An Evening of Art, our annual fundraising celebration at the Hollywood Roosevelt. Be sure to register today for special VIP access to the in-person portion of the auction, granting you exclusive access to review and purchase art before general admission. 

Click the button below to learn more about our special celebration and opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind artwork with Morley!


April Updates: Welcome New Sponsors


April Updates: the Hollywood Roosevelt, and USC College Visit